

停车 Operations must generate all the revenue needed to provide parking services to the university. No student fees or university or state funds are used to subsidize parking operations.


UMKC had to construct three parking garages to meet the campus parking demand. 为这些结构提供资金, 这所大学不得不借钱, and the current parking fees reflect what is necessary to pay the 停车 Operations expenses, 包括偿债, 在停车场. All parking funds are used solely to support UMKC parking. Many other urban educational institutions have parking fees well in excess of fees charged at UMKC.


Our mission is to provide parking options to a wide variety of students, employees and visitors. We need to have an option for individuals who will spend a very short amount of time on campus.


Yes, anytime a vehicle is parked in a metered space the meter must be paid. The limited metered spaces on campus should be kept available for those visitors and campus constituents who choose not to purchase a permit.


校园里没有免费停车场. 访问ors to the university are asked to park and pay meters while on campus, 或者购买访客吊牌.


Individuals or departments can request a visitor hangtag online or purchase it at the 停车 Operations office located in the Administrative Center, 5115年橡树, 221房间.


No, student permits are valid only in student permit parking lots. A day permit is valid 24 hours per day, and an evening permit is only valid after 4:15 p.m. Both day and evening permits are valid in most faculty/staff lots after 4:15 p.m., except in the areas indicated by signs stating reserved faculty/staff 24/7.


No, permits are to be used by the individual purchasing the permit. 如果别人用了你的许可证, the person to whom the permit is issued will be held responsible for any tickets issued.

Is it OK to park at the end of a row as long as my vehicle doesn't prevent other cars from getting past?

No, parking at the end of rows is against parking regulations and you will be ticketed and subject to towing if you are blocking a drive lane.

Is it OK to park along a drive or walkway as long as other cars can get by?

No, it is against parking regulations to park along drives or walkways in any of the parking lots; you will be ticketed and subject to towing if you are blocking a drive lane.

Can I park in any designated accessible spot with my disability hangtag or plate?

You must also have a valid UMKC accessible permit to park in an accessible spot unless it is a metered spot, 在这种情况下,你必须支付计价器.

Are parking regulations enforced during breaks and between semesters?

停车 regulations are enforced Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. – 10 p.m. throughout the year, including the time between semesters. 有关无障碍的规定, driveway and fire lane parking are enforced 24 hours per day, 一年365天.

我违章停车却没有收到罚单. 这是否意味着可以把车停在这个位置?

No, just because you didn't receive a violation this time does not mean you won't the next time you park there.

I don't remember receiving a ticket, but there's one on my student account. How can I be charged for a ticket I did not physically receive?

The disappearance of a parking violation from a vehicle does NOT relieve the violator from responsibility for that ticket. 你要对你的车辆开出的任何罚单负责, regardless of who was driving or whether you received a copy of the ticket.

我父母在校园里停车时被开了罚单. 我要为那张票负责吗?

Students and employees are responsible for tickets received on their vehicles and all family vehicles while parked on campus.


您可以通过停车在线链接支付违规费用.S. mail or pay in person at the Cashiers Office or 停车 Operations office. 票 may not be available in the 停车 online system until up to 24 hours after the date of issue. 票 must be paid within ten (10) days in order to pay using the 停车 online payment option. 在这十天之后, you will need to pay using the 通路 system or by going to the Cashiers Office. The Cashiers office accepts cash, check, 万事达卡, American Express, Visa和Discover. The 停车 Operations office and the online link accepts American Express, 万事达卡, Visa和Discover. If you wish to pay by cash or check you will need to come to the 停车 Operations office, 橡树街5115号.密苏里州堪萨斯城221室,64112. You must have the ticket with you in order to pay for the violation.

What do I do if I received a parking violation and I don't think I deserved it?

You can appeal a parking violation that you feel was issued in error. Appeals must be made within ten (10) days of receiving the violation. You can appeal the violation using the online appeals link. 如果上诉是违法的, you must include the following information: ticket number, 车辆牌照号码, employee or student ID number and the reason for your appeal.


与停车场营运办公室联系,请填写 特别活动泊车申请表 well in advance of the event to determine and plan for the parking needs of your event.