


Voicemail的变化   服务订单申请

未经事先与网络公司协商或批准,任何设备不得接入电信系统 & 电信.

订单通常在收到服务订单后10个工作天内完成. 然而,我们在每个学期开始时都会收到数百份订单. 为了保证在学期开始前完成申请, 我们需要在学期开始前一个月收到它. 我们尽一切努力尽快完成每一个订单.


成本 $35.00 /月

描述 "Dial tone", campus 4 digit dialing, free unlimited campus & 本地调用, 语音邮件, unified messaging with Exchange mailbox integration, all phone features available on device: forward, 转移, 打电话给小, 会议, 回调, 快速拨号, 持有, 沉默的, etc; phone repair/replacement, trouble shooting of all phone related issues, operator assistant/directory lookup.

当带电 每个物理电话都有相关联的号码(#)或每个辅助号码(#),而不是另一个电话上的主号码(#). 还包括传真,报警线路或其他需要模拟电路/连接的服务.



描述 根据部门的要求,为呼叫处理程序提供路由和/或消息.
当带电 Each call handler requested.

Change Class of Service
成本 $50 per phone per request
描述 要求新的或改变的服务,例如长途起飞块,增加接机组等.
当带电 Each time changes are requested per phone.

Domestic Long Distance Calling
成本 $0.每分钟使用10个
描述 Provides long distance calling to any domestic location.
当带电 Each domestic long distance call completed.

$100 per request per phone/jack


International Long Distance Calling
成本 Varies by country from $0.11 per minute to over $20.00 per minute of use, cost based on contract pricing
描述 提供长途电话到任何国际位置.
当带电 Each international long distance call completed.

成本 $100.每电话移动00美元
描述 物理移动手机从当前位置到期望的位置, tested to make sure phone is working correctly.
当带电 Each order received to move phone.

注意: Departments may move IP phones themselves at no charge. If departments request Networking & 电信公司为他们完成搬家,就会招致正常的手机搬家费.

Network Port Activation
成本 $25 per jack + cost of patch cables
描述 插接线安装在数据插孔,访问UMKCnet, MOREnet,互联网 & Internet2
当带电 Each jack requested to be activated

成本 Varies with phone model; IP 8851-$95, IP 8865 - $130
描述 新电话
当电荷d Each order for a new phone.

成本 $150.00 installation and 22.每月50英镑
描述 为报警线路等设备提供点对点电路.
当带电 Each circuit requested by department.

Voice Port Installation
成本 每次安装250美元
描述 电话号码,安装在现场的电话,安装电话线/跳线. Data jack installation not included in this price.
当带电 Each physical new phone.

请注意: Does not include purchase cost of phone.

Voice or Data Jack Installation
成本 $225 to $275
描述 Voice or Data jack installed in location designated.
当带电 每个千斤顶. 注意: Price 美国能源部s not include activation of jack.

服务 Provided to Departments at No Additional 成本

  • 移除手机
  • Voicemail 密码 Changes / Reset
  • 删除Voicemail
  • Disconnect Voice or Data Jack
  • 35+ Campus Elevator 手机
  • All Data Network 服务 (UMKCnet, Internet & Internet2访问)
  • 60+ Emergency 手机 (Blue Towers)

To order a service, please submit a . 如果您有任何问题或需要估算,请致电816-235-2640.


  • For campus operator, dial 0
  • For campus calls, dial four-digit station number
  • 密苏里本地呼叫:9 + 816 +本地号码或9 +本地号码
  • For local Kansas calls, dial 9 + 913 + local number
  • 拨打长途电话:9 + 1 +区号+本地号码
  • 拨打国际长途:9 + 011 +国家代码+城市代码+本地号码
  • For local directory assistance, dial 9 + 1 + 411
  • 长途电话查询请拨9 +1 +区号+ 555-1212或9 + 00


使用您的UMKC用户名和密码登录,以访问您的Unity Connection语音邮件帐户:

Voicemail Quick Access

UMKC信息服务已经实现了一个语音邮件系统,将您的语音邮件和电子邮件集成在您的电子邮件收件箱中, allowing you to more efficiently manage your messages.

All voicemail boxes have a limit of 38 Megabytes of storage. This is about 8 minutes of recorded messages. 当您的Voicemail接近此限制时,您将收到一封电子邮件通知. 一旦你的Voicemail达到上限,就没有人能给你留言了. 如果您需要清空您的Voicemail,请到 Instructions for Emptying a Voicemail Box.

Access Unity Connection by Phone

在校园: Dial x5000, 输入您的 password.
在校外: 816-235-5000,按*,输入您的分机,输入您的密码.

Access Unity Connection by Web


Unity Connection Personal Communications Assistant

Unity Connection只能在你知道Voicemail的用户名和密码的情况下使用.

  1. 点击此链接: Unity Connection Personal Communications Assistant.
  2. Log in using your UMKC username and password.
  3. Click on "Messaging Assistant".
  4. 点击密码栏,输入您的新密码(pin)并确认.
  5. 按下 "Save" button to save your changes.

If you have a dial-in only voicemail box, the pin/password has not expired, 你知道别针, 您可以通过拨入并选择以下选项来更改引脚:
Option 4 – Change Setup Options
Option 3 – Preferences
选项2 -更换引脚

  • Must be at least 5 digits in length.
  • Cannot include your extension.
  • 密码s will be reset every 180 days.
  • 必须是唯一的. Unity remembers up to 3 previous passwords.
  • 不能以0开头.
  • 密码不能包含主扩展名或其倒写.
  • The password must contain at least three different digits.
  • 数字不能按升序或降序连续(例如12345或54321)。.
  • 一个数字不能连续使用两次以上(例如,14777)。.
  • 密码不能包含三个或三个以上数字的重复组(例如,408510408)。.
  • 密码不能是您的姓或名的数字表示形式,也不能是姓和名的组合. (例如, if your name is John Doe, you could not use a numeric representation of johnd, john美国能源部, j美国能源部, 美国能源部.)

删除语音留言有3天的宽限期. 一旦你用Outlook删除语音邮件,或者在电话收听时按7键删除, you still need to empty your deleted items. Depending on the type of voicemail box you have, 如果希望立即删除消息,可以使用下面两个选项之一来删除消息.

If your voicemail goes into your personal email account, click here for instructions to clean out your voicemail box.

If you have a dial-in only voicemail box, 您必须使用下面的说明来删除语音信息.

  1. From your own phone, press the 消息 button.
  2. 新闻 * 然后输入您想要删除语音邮件的分机名.
  3. 输入ID (扩展#).
  4. 输入您的 4-6-digit voicemail PIN 紧随其后的是 #.
  5. 选择 选项3 删除消息. You will need to delete them one by one.
  6. If you have “old” message(s), choose 选项3 to review old messages.
  7. 选择 选项2 删除的消息.
  8. 选择 选项2 to erase deleted messages.
  9. 选择 选项1 删除消息.
  10. 选择 选项1 to delete only 语音邮件 messages.

  1. 按下 服务 button.
  2. 选择 VisualVoiceMail option.
  3. 输入您的 电话销密码 场.
  4. When finished, press the 服务 button twice to return to the main menu.

Q: What is the Unity Connection server name?

A: The current limits on voicemail are set to 38 Mb, which correlates to approximately 100 minutes of voicemails. 请删除不再需要的Voicemail以释放空间.

Q: How do I 转移 a call directly to voicemail?
A: Ask the caller to 持有.

  1. 按“转让”.
  2. 新闻 * and Dial the extension.
  3. 按“转让” to finish the 转移.