

UMKC喜欢庆祝我们的转学生. Transfer students bring incredible value to our campus and we want to ensure they have the resources and support needed to be successful.


UMKC organizes 全国转学生周 to celebrate transfer students and the professionals who support them.  From local community colleges to regional partners and our University of Missouri System schools, UMKC是许多转学生的目的地.

参与, 享受免费的UMKC礼品, and learn more about the resources and services dedicated to helping transfer students succeed in our Roo community. 

想了解最新的转学生项目、活动和信息? 加入我们的文本列表!

问题? 请联系 getinvolved@dilidally.net 或致电(816)235-1407.

全国转学生周2024 - TBA

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周一,10月. 16

  • 活动开始 | 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. |学生会2楼
    • The 学生参与办公室 invites you to help celebrate current transfer students by visiting our information table for a photo op, 零食, 赠品, 和定制的#TransferRoo swag!
  • 你并不孤单——认同 & 使用你的支持系统 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. |在线
    • The Roo建议 Success Coach offers support to students who are experiencing challenges both in and out of the school setting. The Success Coach serves as an entrusted person with whom students can discuss strategies, tools and resources that will help them be successful in reaching their academic and personal goals.
    • Success Coach sessions are offered in a judgement-free zone and tailored to support a student's needs. Resources and support include connecting students with resources such as tutoring and counseling, 帮助完善时间管理技能, 提供解决冲突的指导, 做一个倾听者, 等. When juggling school and life responsibilities seems overwhelming, the Success Coach is here to help!
    • 缩放链接将通过电子邮件发送给那些谁 发请帖 -空间有限.
  • 与Roo咨询学术规划 | 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. | MNLC 452
    • 你是否在担心自己的学业进度? 你有没有想过,“我需要这门课吗??如果你对以上任何一个问题的回答是肯定的,那么这个活动就是为你准备的! 在这个一小时的工作坊里, you will learn how to use the UMKC Catalog and the Plan My Degree website to understand your degree requirements and make a plan to graduation. Our goal is that you leave this workshop empowered with the skills to engage in your own degree planning.
  • 小桌子:创业对话-设计思维 | 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The AI Hub, 511 Delaware St. 楼1
    • 小桌子, UMKC的最新合作, 波特之家KC, 和KCSourceLink, provides insights and lessons learned from the rising stars in Kansas City’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Three of the most influential entrepreneurial support organizations in Kansas City have teamed up to deliver 小桌子, 这是一个新的五集系列,聚焦于创业精神. You are invited to join us each Monday in October as we explore a new topic with the small business owners, 创意人员, and visionaries shaping today's entrepreneurial landscape in the Kansas City Region. Join us for night three as we discuss how Design Thinking with AI Hub Co-Founders James Spikes & 泰勒伯. 人工智能中心成立于2020年,是一个创造性探索的家园. 大于3,500平方英尺, 它有一个共同工作的休息室, 四个设备齐全的工作室, 还有多个空间供不同的人交流, 发展他们的技能, 在达到目标的过程中享受乐趣.
    • 每次会议出席人数限制为50人,并且 登记 是必需的. 

周二,10月. 17

  • 转学生组织兴趣见面会|上午10:00.m. - 10:30 a.m. | SU 302
    • Are you a transfer student who is interested in developing a transfers student organization at UMKC? Join the 学生参与办公室 for an informational meeting about the future of transfer student organizations and how you can be a part of their success.
  • 与UMKC妇女中心合作的LGBTea社区时间 | 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 哈格厅115号,妇女中心
    • 想要开始新的一周? Join us for LGBTea Community Hour and connect with community across campus while enjoying a free coffee or tea and good conversation!
  • 全国转学生周:庆祝我们的#TransferRoos | 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. |学生会2楼
    • The 学生参与办公室 invites you to help celebrate current transfer students by visiting our information table for a photo op, 零食, 赠品, 和定制的#TransferRoo swag!
  • 成功教练来访 | 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 米勒·尼科尔斯图书馆
  • 就业服务寻找实习机会工作坊 | 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. | assc 238
    • You understand that internships are important, but how do you go about finding one? 这个工作坊将教你最好的搜索词, 网站, 当你申请实习时,你需要知道时间框架.
  • 转学生组织兴趣见面会|下午4:00.m. - 4:30 p.m. | SU 301
    • Are you a transfer student who is interested in developing a transfers student organization at UMKC? Join the 学生参与办公室 for an informational meeting about the future of transfer student organizations and how you can be a part of their success.
  • 转移知识之夜 | 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. |星巴克酒廊
    • 打电话给所有的书呆子! 庆祝全国转学生周, the OSI invites all transfer students and their friends to an evening of general knowledge fun! Come connect with other transfer students, enjoy 零食, and put your thinking cap on! 将颁发一、二、三等奖. 参加者可以组队或单独参加.

星期三,10月. 18

  • 全国转学生周:庆祝我们的#TransferRoos | 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. |学生会2楼
    • The 学生参与办公室 invites you to help celebrate current transfer students by visiting our information table for a photo op, 零食, 赠品, 和定制的#TransferRoo swag!
  • 法学院简介会 | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Cherry Hall 115
    • The Political Science and Philosophy Department and Pi Sigma Alpha are partnering with the UMKC School of Law to answer your questions about law school admissions. We will cover everything from LSAT prep to letters of recommendation to personal statements. 对法学院所有专业和兴趣水平开放. 披萨了.
  • 成功教练来访 | 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. |关怀中心,学生会一楼
  • 自我照顾充电环节 | 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. |皮尔森礼堂,ASSC
    • 你有时间照顾自己吗? With midterm exams and projects, it's easy to become so busy you don't leave time for self-care. Join the PAL Program for a hands-on workshop that will help you refresh and recharge so that you can finish the semester strong.
      我们将赠送大量与自我护理相关的奖品,包括芳香疗法, 颜色的书, 浴炸弹, 护肤面膜, 和更多的.
  • 关心信用,财务健康 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. |学生会302
    • 想办张信用卡? 不知道建立信用意味着什么? 信用是你财务生活的重要组成部分. It can affect the jobs you get, the places you live, and the loans you are eligible for. 和我们一起学习什么是信用, 如何计算分数, 以及如何负责任地使用信用卡来建立你的信用记录. 我们致力于让所有学生都能参加我们的活动. 如果您需要住宿,请联系financialwellness@umkc.在活动开始前一周提交.
  • Transfer Roo Meetup | 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. |学生会星巴克酒廊
    • 和其他转学生一起吃披萨(奶酪), 素食, 和意大利辣香肠), 零食(芯片, 零食混合), 在新的星巴克休息室里玩游戏!

周四,10月. 19

  • 转学生组织兴趣见面会| 9:30.m. - 10:00 a.m. | SU 302
    • Are you a transfer student who is interested in developing a transfers student organization at UMKC? Join the 学生参与办公室 for an informational meeting about the future of transfer student organizations and how you can be a part of their success.
  • 全国转学生周:庆祝我们的#TransferRoos | 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. |学生会2楼
    • The 学生参与办公室 invites you to help celebrate current transfer students by visiting our information table for a photo op, 零食, 赠品, 和定制的#TransferRoo swag!
  • 成功教练来访 | 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. |学生会
  • 恢复建设 | 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. | MSA村学生会三楼
    • 加入我们与UMKC职业服务中心合作的简历制作活动!
      Whether you're kickstarting your career journey or looking to fine-tune your professional profile, our team will be on hand to provide guidance and edits to help you craft a standout resume. 不要错过这个寻求帮助的机会! 我们还将提供午餐!
  • 转学生组织兴趣见面会|下午2:00.m. - 2:30 p.m. | SU 302
    • Are you a transfer student who is interested in developing a transfers student organization at UMKC? Join the 学生参与办公室 for an informational meeting about the future of transfer student organizations and how you can be a part of their success.
  • 你并不孤单——认同 & 使用你的支持系统 | 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. |在线
    • The Roo建议 Success Coach offers support to students who are experiencing challenges both in and out of the school setting. The Success Coach serves as an entrusted person with whom students can discuss strategies, tools and resources that will help them be successful in reaching their academic and personal goals.
    • Success Coach sessions are offered in a judgement-free zone and tailored to support a student's needs. Resources and support include connecting students with resources such as tutoring and counseling, 帮助完善时间管理技能, 提供解决冲突的指导, 做一个倾听者, 等. When juggling school and life responsibilities seems overwhelming, the Success Coach is here to help!
    • 缩放链接将通过电子邮件发送给那些谁 发请帖 -空间有限.
  • QT研究生学习时间 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. |学生会2楼彩虹酒廊
    • Are you a LGBTQIA Graduate Student or Professional Student who needs to carve out some time to study? 要确保你在忙碌的一周中有时间谈论工作? Interested in conversations across disciplines involving QT researchers or LGTBQIA-related topics? Join us for QT研究生学习时间, time dedicated to our Graduate Students and their academic pursuits.
      We will offer opt-in accountability sheets and check-ins for those students who would work well when checking in.

周五,10月. 20

  • 成功教练来访 | 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 约翰逊大厅信息表
  • IEEE午餐 & 学习 | 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. |弗拉斯海姆展厅531(丰田厅)
    • IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. 来参加我们的午餐,并与来自IEEE的演讲者一起学习, 包括IEEE第5区主任. Potential topics will be "IEEE Sections Congress 2023 Highlights" and "IEEE Students: Tools and Resources". We will also have some activities involving a Collabratec demo (which will include a Puzzlers challenge), 快速介绍一下新的Ask IEEE聊天机器人, 以及IEEE概述.电视和即将到来的选举. 最后,我们将以3-4点左右的社交活动结束. 将提供IEEE设备和食物. 加入我们,让您的职业生涯更上一层楼.

星期六,10月. 21

  • 堪萨斯城体育之夜 | 8:00 p.m. |儿童慈善公园
    • 我们很高兴能在体育堪萨斯城举办UMKC之夜! 今晚8点,KC体育将迎战明尼苏达联队.m. 10月21日星期六. 在比赛前,在妈祖广场停下来与UMKC的代表会面. 会有赠品和更多! 打折的机票 是可用的!