
  • 盲点闪耀新光

    Chris and Nicole Carr are hoping to raise awareness and support for the blind community
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2022年7月20日

  • 捐赠推动增长

    校友 support Bloch scholarships to further opportunity for student success
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  • Bloch Mentoring Program Celebrates Successful First 一年

    Program gives valuable insight into life after college
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  • Adaptation Keeps Bloch a Top Choice for MBA Students

    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2022年7月20日

  • Bloch School Celebrates Henry Bloch’s Legacy on 100th Anniversary of his Birth

    Special event also marks grand reopening of renovated Bloch Heritage Hall
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2022年7月20日

  • 游戏规则改变者

    Alumna Jacquie Ward took her Bloch education all the way to the bank
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  • 扩张的机会

    Upholding Henry’s vision for the Bloch School
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  • 传递爱

    First-generation law student Kylee Gomez found her niche in helping people find rehabilitation and second chances
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  • 为下一代打开大门

    UMKC Law Foundation executive director Marie Dispenza helps position students to succeed by increasing their access to financial support
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  • 法律的另一面

    Attorney Shaun Stallworth found his calling advocating for underrepresented law students and plaintiffs
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  • 第一代毕业生回馈社会

    Associate city prosecutor adds significant volunteer work to demanding job and single parenthood
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  • 荣誉的一生

    Hard work and persistence paved Judge Robert Altice Jr.这是通往法官席的道路
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2022年6月30日

  • 从星光到聚光灯

    密苏里大学堪萨斯分校校友乔伊·弗朗茨(B.M. 1964年的电影在世界各地的舞台上上演
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2022年4月18日

  • 有轨电车延伸线即将进入UMKC

    The city’s massive infrastructure project now underway will have a direct impact on UMKC
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2022年4月18日

  • UMKC校友在KCI展翅翱翔

    Meet several of the Roos making Kansas City’s new airport a reality
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  • Dreams to Reality: Alumnus 给s Back to Community

    克里斯哈里斯(B).L.A. '14), 2018 UMKC 校友 Award winner and founder of Harris Park, shares insights on transforming his community while helpi...
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2022年4月18日

  • 儿童友好型保健解决方案

    How a UMKC graduate turned an idea for a wart treatment into a multi-million-dollar startup
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2022年4月18日

  • A Pair as Perfect as Baseball and Ice Cream

    Two Bloch alumni are making their mark in KC
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  • 从课堂到实践

    Recent Law graduates navigate the bar exam and first jobs — all during a global pandemic
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2021年12月21日

  • 大胆的转换

    When opportunity calls, these alumni don’t shy away from a new challenge
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  • 为下一代铺路

    Two UMKC Law professors are reaching major milestones this year
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  • 后卫律师

    鲍勃·斯坦(J.D. ’73) balanced full-time legal studies with playing for the Kansas City Chiefs — and became a hall of famer
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  • 保障士兵安全

    Video game technology reimagined for the real-life battlefield
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2021年9月30日

  • 扩展到航空航天领域

    New lab spaces give students hands-on training
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  • 学生专用空间

    New collaboration area allows for peer-to-peer prototyping and a superior student teams workshop
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  • 投资未来人才

    Two-story Structural Lab helps prepare Kansas City’s next generation of civil engineers
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  • 从SCE到瑞士

    研究 experiences at UMKC lead mechanical engineering graduate to pursue Ph.D. 在骨生物力学方面
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  • 控制软件特洛伊木马

    Deep learning research identifies cybersecurity risks
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  • 防晒霜推荐

    In the Plaster Center, even the roof is optimized for groundbreaking research
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  • 电磁医学

    Using high-powered electric pulses to treat cancer in a 3D world
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  • 这就干净了

    Plaster Center's contamination-free area has specs that get rid of the specks
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  • 碰撞和创建

    New innovation studio brings together UMKC and the community
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  • 长袍合身

    Two UMKC Law alumni receive significant judicial appointments
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2021年5月13日

  • 妇女支持妇女

    UMKC law alumnae instrumental in creating scholarship for aspiring women lawyers
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2021年5月5日

  • 法律与(虚拟)秩序

    随着法庭程序转移到网上, judges lean into new technologies and procedures to ensure a fair hearing for all who appear
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  • 杜鲁门研究员计划填补空缺

    Provides Opportunity for New Graduates and the Community
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  • 人权英雄

    米迦比·所罗门(J.D. ’20) has earned his law degree twice, in two different countries. That’s not the most interesting thing about him.
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  • 引领潮流

    A 法学院 alumni conversation on race, equity and where we go from here
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  • 在网上提出理由

    How current law students are making it work in a pandemic
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  • 诉诸司法

    法学院 designs Internet portal to simplify how victims of domestic violence get court protection in Kansas
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  • 几十年来一直倡导

    校友 and students work toward a more ethnically inclusive and equitable future
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2021年3月11日

  • 抗击COVID-19的多重面孔

    在大流行的几个月中, alumni and faculty in every corner of health care have responded and adapted with courage and continuing creativity.
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  • 在充满挑战的时代扭转局面

    Ingenuity and flexibility are key for food and event service businesses 为了在大流行中生存下来
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2021年3月11日

  • The Unpredictable Experience of Virtual Learning

    How teachers and students are adjusting to a very new normal
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  • 不可阻挡的艺术家

    Performing arts alumni find new ways to reach audiences during pandemic shutdowns
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  • How Does Battling a Pandemic Compare to Military Combat?

    To Obie Austin, they’re both a call to service
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  • 灾难信息救援

    Harnessing the power of AI to aid disaster relief
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2020年7月20日

  • 将自动驾驶仪升级为Save-a-Pilot

    研究er looks to computer modeling to enhance aviation safety
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2020年7月16日

  • 哮喘患者可能呼吸更轻松

    UMKC researchers are working on the technology behind a noninvasive device that would monitor for symptoms
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  • 气候变化的混凝土

    How a UMKC researcher is paving the way for sustainability
    _EscapeTool美元.xml (contentBase美元) 2020年6月22日