Expand Your Options for Success With the Bachelor of Liberal Arts Degree

Students and alumni share their stories
A student studies on a laptop in Haag Hall

Students face many challenges when making college decisions. For many, one of the biggest is deciding on a program of study. 他们想要并且需要一个负担得起的、灵活的、能为毕业后找到好工作做准备的项目.

The Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree 密苏里大学堪萨斯城艺术与科学学院是为那些追求科学素养的人设计的, 对社会科学有一定的了解,对人文学科有一定的欣赏能力,但不希望专攻某一专业.

UMKC B.L.A. 学生获得最大的课程灵活性和量身定制的课程,为传统的文学学士或理学学士学位课程提供了一种选择. The B.L.A. 对于那些想回到大学完成学位的人来说,这个项目也是一个很好的选择.

“The B.L.A. 对于这些学生来说,这是一个受欢迎的好选择,因为它是我们提供的最灵活的课程,在学分转换和课程安排方面都很容易,” said Emma Casey, UMKC College of Arts and Sciences manager of Recruitment and Outreach. “With our current world situation, I am seeing an influx in non-traditional, adult and transfer students applying to return to finish their degrees.”

文科课程帮助学生在各个学科上全面发展,并帮助学生获得有关各个学科和职业的知识和技能. 学生们将学习广泛的技能,为他们从事包括客户经理在内的各种职业做好准备, analyst, business development manager, copywriter, communication specialist, physician, health care professional, entrepreneur, human relations specialist, journalist, lawyer, legislative assistant, nonprofit director, policy analyst, professor or public relations manager.

UMKC学位对那些进入6年制医学课程并攻读综合B学位的学生尤其有益.L.A./M.D. 以及那些通过提前入学法律项目申请UMKC法学院的学生.

A dedicated B.L.A. advisor is provided in the professional advising office. 学生还可以与所选辅修专业的特定部门顾问合作,并可以在确定学习重点时找到学院的任何顾问.

Meet some students and a graduate.

Vickie Goods 

Vickie Goods

I returned as an adult learner. I took a 3-year hiatus from my academic journey. I've been pursuing my bachelor's degree since I was 19. I enrolled at UMKC in 2018.

Why did you decide to finish the degree?

我继续我的学业追求,为我的两个成年孩子——28岁的阿什利和21岁的乔丹——树立榜样. I wanted to show them you never give up on your dreams. It's never too late to start over and create a new beginning. My initial goal was to graduate with a business administration degree, but life took me on a different path.

Why did you choose UMKC?

I submitted applications to several universities in the local KC metro area. I wanted to have the full college campus experience that I experienced when I first began my journey. I felt more connected with UMKC. I like the diversity and I knew this is where I should attend.

Why did you choose a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree?

I didn't choose a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree, it chose me. I had earned college credits from previous universities.这些学分的积累使我有幸进入了文学系. 

What are your career/job plans?

When I close this chapter of personal achievement, I plan to enroll in a graduate program to obtain a degree in social work, counseling or Christian leadership. 我计划毕业后的头几年做一名学校辅导员或初级非营利组织的工作. I look forward to a future where I can use my tools and resources to serve others.

When will you graduate?

May 2021

"I wanted to show them you never give up on your dreams."

What do you want people to know about getting or finishing a college degree?

Be patient. Embrace the journey. Seek assistance and utilize resources that's available to you. It's okay not to be okay at times, just don't give up on yourself!

What do you want people to know about UMKC?

The faculty, staff, instructors and advisors want you to succeed. Speak up and tap into the resources. 

What do you want people to know about you and any challenges you have had?

I endured many detours and realignments upon my journey. I graciously accepted each challenge of womanhood. Once I gathered all my broken pieces, I created a mosaic of self-love, strength and joy. Remember to take time for yourself as you set goals. Focus on the progress and never be anxious about the accomplishments. Don't be afraid or ashamed to hit the reset button whenever necessary. Trust yourself, enjoy and embrace the journey; you will arrive at your destination at the right time.

Rebecca Overbey

Rebecca Overbey
Rebecca Overbey

I returned to UMKC to finish my degree. With the B.L.A. 通过这个项目,我可以继续我的职业道路,并实现我完成学位的目标. The program I previously studied was different than the one I am pursuing now. 

Why did you choose UMKC?

I did look at other schools; however, UMKC provided a program that other schools did not, which would allow me to complete my degree faster than the other schools.

Why did you choose a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree?

The B.L.A. program accepted all of my credits from other schools I have attended. 

What are your career/job plans?


When will you graduate?

Aiming for fall 2021

faster than the other schools."

What do you want people to know about getting or finishing a college degree?

It was certainly a challenge getting back into the swing of school, but I feel that I have more motivation to earn my degree than I have in the past. 我想告诉别人,不是每个人的大学道路看起来都一样,最终的结果才是最重要的. Your timeline is your own.

What do you want people to know about UMKC?

I have attended a few schools and what makes UMKC different are the professors.  All of my professors have cared about me as an individual, which is something I was missing at the other schools I attended.

What do you want people to know about you and any challenges you have had?

While completing my degree in my early 20s, 我带着单核细胞增多症上了整整一个学期的课,直到学期结束才被诊断出来. Not only did this ruin my motivation to continue with school, but it made me feel as though earning a degree was unattainable. My confidence in my intelligence was broken. 从那时起,我决定专注于我的事业,我一直努力工作,才取得了今天在公司的地位. 我总是说,如果未来的职业发展需要,我会考虑完成我的学士学位. So, to give myself potentially more opportunities, I started taking classes, just one at a time, to rebuild the self-confidence I had once lost. 我不仅重拾了信心,而且对自己的工作也更有信心了. 我的大学生涯一点也不传统,我想我不会改变它带给我的方向.   

Jessica Keith

Jessica Keith
Jessica Keith

大二的时候,我转到了堪萨斯大学,但仍然不确定自己真正想学的专业是什么. I entered as a criminal justice and criminology major before switching to English, then sociology and finally to the B.L.A.

Why did you choose UMKC?

I initially chose K-State for the scholarships they offered. 当我决定搬回我的家乡堪萨斯城时,堪萨斯大学是我的第一选择. 我在初中的时候参加过UMKC的一个写作项目,我记得我很喜欢这个校园. The urban environment was a welcome change from the rural campus I was used to.

Why did you choose a Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree?

文科学士学位非常适合像我这样求知欲强、优柔寡断的人. I changed my major a whopping seven times between both schools I attended, 这让我在文科上有很多学分,但在某个特定学位上却很少. 我喜欢我可以把我感兴趣的许多领域的课程结合起来来建立B.L.A. degree.

What are your career/job plans?

The breadth of the B.L.A. 我在课程中学到的许多技能使我能够做两年的考试辅导老师, which I absolutely loved. From there, I began working in education administration, which led me back to UMKC, 我现在在文理学院院长办公室担任高级行政助理.

When did you graduate?

December of 2016

as me."

What do you want people to know about getting or finishing a college degree?

While future job prospects are an important consideration, a college degree has so much more to offer. The skills you gain, people you meet, 你学到的观点和你发现和创造的经历将给你的生活带来满足感和成长,无论你的学位最终是什么. And it probably won’t be what you planned!

What do you want people to know about UMKC?

UMKC is a place where people care about you as a person, not a number. There are so many unique opportunities on campus and in the local community, so you can really explore and find your passion.

What do you want people to know about you and any challenges you have had?

Life will get in the way of education. Whether it’s work, or family, or health, or a global pandemic, the important thing to remember is why you are working so hard toward your degree. As a first-generation college graduate and the oldest of six siblings, 我有动力向我自己和我的家人证明,只要我们努力,成功是可能的. But a degree isn’t the end. Keep learning and stretching and pushing past the growing pains, and opportunities will come your way.

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